Thank you for coming, To view the bios go to the top menu on this website, click on the arrow to the right of Cultural healing and then the arrow to the right of participants. You will see a list of participants. Click each individual person to see what they are bringing to the event. You are definitely going to engaged and have a good time.
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Juanita Batchelor is an African American woman born to her two parents on an Air Force base in Missouri. Juanita moved to Springfield,Massachusetts at three years old where she later became a mother to her two children Darrell and Jajuana Jenkins and later became a Grandmother of five. Juanita's first experience in serving her community began in a healthcare setting as she worked as a CNA for several years. On June 4th, 2014, Juanita's life changed forever as she bore the loss of her only son Darrell Lee Jenkins Jr. to gun violence. Darrell's murder although still unsolved remains a catalyst for turning her pain into purpose in the fight for justice.
That year she began community organizing efforts to establish a support group MORE (Mother, Overlooked, Reaching Out, Empowerment)Inspiring Change Fighting For Justice for BIPOC families experiencing loss due to homicide and missing persons. In 2020 MORE officially became a 501c3 non-profit, offering support to all genders, youth, and BIPOC backgrounds. MORE's office is currently located at 20 Maple Street, Springfield, MA, 01103 and is open to the public. Juanita and the volunteers at MORE have hopes to expand and open a larger community safe space called the Darrell Lee Jenkins Jr. Resource Center in honor of her son.
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CULTURAL HEALING will take place on Friday Sept 27th 2024 from 5pm-9pm at ELIAS BROOKINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 433 Walnut St, Springfield,, MA in the cafeteria. The event will feature Internationally known Dj Johnny Juice Rosado, Award winning M.C, farmer Blessing Diviine, and Springfield, Ma beloved award winning mother and educator, Dr Paula Starnes and other notable artists from across New England. Please click on participants link for bios. CULTURAL HEALING is a family friendly, alcohol and drug free event that bring attendees together to learn about the power of Black culture, the necessity to take back the narrative of our culture to encourage healing. and tools to do that CULTURAL HEALING is an empowering event for those with backgrounds of domestics and social traumatizing adversity that seek good messages to aid them in their healing. You are invited to attend one of the different workshops on "the basic of farming", "messages", and "DeeJaying" and why they are important to our health, building community, and connections. It is my hope attendees will leave with a sense of self validation and connected to a force that feeds the mind, spirit, and eventually lead to community healing and economics success.
CULTURAL HEALING is a program of Poetic Recovery founded and created by long time grassroots cultural activist, Maurice "Soulfighter" Taylor, who is a former abused foster child. This program highlights some of our super powers we posses as people, those powers are togetherness, listening, and being vulnerability. These powers have been forgotten or denied due to social programming from economic oppression, cultural appropriation, economic exploitatiom which has led to isolation and being disconnected from community and given rise to violence, apathy, addiction, alcoholism, and self destructive behaviors which stunts spiritual growth which leaves many filled with agitation and hopelessness. Having a basic understanding of our own power and practicing them increases our spirituality and in turn our individual potential which when connected with other individuals with the same understanding increases our capacity to heal and grow healthier communities. The aim of Cultural Healing is to help people begin that journey free of judgement, full of mutual support, and opportunities to get involved in our cultural that encourage civil engagement.
This event will encourage attendees to tap into their inner power and share it with others, thereby; building communities. When attendees leave the workshops, they will leave with new connections and opportunities to tap into for their own spiritual well and pour into the spiritual well of the whole community via cultural expression. Following CULTURAL HEALING, there will be mini concerts to help raise money for a multimedia studio for the Darryl Lee Jenkins Jr Resource Center to help youth learn audio and video production so they can tell their own stories, control the narrative of their cultural expression to have a positive impact on their communities. Involvement in these events will lead to a sense of accomplishment and a greater sense of self worth.
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